Cold Springs / Camp Sherman

Cold Springs / Camp Sherman
Winter Soltice 2013

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sonnet I

A man hath given magic words that ripple

Spreading out immortal branches to sea

One wave of his ink wand makes all cripple

His wizardry surrendered to be free.

No spell could calm even the wildest wave

Only a magical song could tame water

Melodic chants that cause the swells to cave

Music which subdued chaos' sole daughter

O, singing siren that breaks free from chains!

Springing out of dark waters her voice rings

Grasping his whole heart where emptiness reigns

Held close to her shallow song his love springs

Bewitched he gave up his magic and art

But when the song ended he'd lost his heart

by Chantel Orr (beloved daughter)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Exploring Radical Ideas

I like to explore all kinds of ideas, philosophies, questions, religions, cultures, etc.  

I have a very curious nature and stifling that curiosity is painful.  Hiding that curiosity is detrimental.  

Some of my explorations take me to places I could never have imagined on my own.  That’s fun to me. 

Whether I believe everything I explore makes no matter because it’s the exploration that I’m after.  The journey.  The experience.  

The Proverbial Curious Cat