Cold Springs / Camp Sherman

Cold Springs / Camp Sherman
Winter Soltice 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Culture of Fear

It is a new world today.  

New Age-y vernacular aside, I have been reading that there are two BASIC – as in FUNDAMENTAL – emotions - Fear and Love, or rather, that all emotions lead back to the basic/fundamental emotions of Fear and Love.

I don’t think anyone has to buy into any particular belief to know the truth of this.  And heaven forbid I suggest otherwise what with all the sensitivity going on around me.

Having stated my disclaimer, I pontificate:

I was brought up in a Culture of Fear.  Truth.  As in that is a FACT.  

I do not deny that I was loved, but that love came with a price.  The price was fear.  For example:

Spare the rod, spoil the child
FEAR YOUR GOD or you will die and something about the gnashing of teeth (that one ALWAYS scared the BE-JESUS right out of me! Pun intended.)
“I have to punish you now, but I do it because I love you”

OBEY AUTHORITY!  Not RESPECT them, but OBEY or fear punishment!
Crime is rising!  Drug WARS! Terrorism!  GANGLAND!  PEDOPHILIA (which, along with serial killers, is apparently rampant now)!

And now it’s THE ILLUMINATI, the 2%, reptilian agendas, satanic entertainment cults, government, New World Order, microchipping, medications, nanotechnology, cell phones, aliens, religions, guns, educational systems, mind control, electrical toxicity, pollution, environment, natural disasters, WATER, AIR, FOOD, COFFEE (oh please no, not my coffeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)…

Ahhhh, the EVIL MEDIA! 
Isn’t there always someone to blame? 

And the list goes on.
Thank you.  I get it.  I AM SCARED! Okay. 
Psychotic Break activated.
Is it any wonder?  How can anyone who is even mildly sensitive supposed to function?  And no wonder psychopathy is prevalent.  I would say that some humans HAVE become desensitized in order to survive the feeling of being terrified every single minute of the day.

I digress.
I could analyze until next Tuesday as to why humans have become obsessed with Fear.  But, that’s not my point (at least not today).  

My point is- it is what it is. What is done is DONE.
And in order to fit in, conform, be a good girl, getalong, etc, I have done my fair share of the FEAR perpetuation. 

But as Maya Angelou wrote: "You did then what you knew how to do, and when you knew better, you did better."

I know better. 
I am doing better. 
I am choosing LOVE.

A Culture of Love.  

That’s MY New World Order.