Cold Springs / Camp Sherman

Cold Springs / Camp Sherman
Winter Soltice 2013

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Word of the Year (2021)

Well, last year (2020), I did not choose a word for the year. I can see the results of not having a focus. It led to chaos. During the last year, I do not feel like I advanced in my personal growth. I feel like I just waded through the year with no purpose. There was a vibration of survival that defined the year, not just for myself but for the collective, given the pandemic, social unrest, fires, an intense presidential election and other events of the year. All these things affected me personally, on a mirco level. I’ve come out at the end of the year fairly well, considering. Better off than alot, that’s for sure. Still I have some serious issues to address now that a new year, new energy has emerged. So I am dedicating 2021 to myself.

I’ve decided that Thinner is going to be my word. I am inspired by the novel by Stephen King. This word can apply to several areas of my life that I would like to decrease. Starting with my weight. I have some health issues that I want to overcome and reducing my weight will greatly help those issues and they may even go away. I also want to thin my belongings, so a purge of stuff is in my future. Spring cleaning? I want to thin my spending. (And perhaps try selling some of my items). So, that’s where I stand right now. Thinner.

Bring it on!

Happy 2021!