Cold Springs / Camp Sherman

Cold Springs / Camp Sherman
Winter Soltice 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Change in Perspective

I'm coming up on my third year back to mainstream work and 18 months back to 40 hours a week.  Today I was noticing my reaction to my new utility bill....

I used to get my bills and get stressed out about them.  I'd feel resentful about paying the bills.  I'd feel anxiety about paying the bill.  I'd often seek distractions to keep from thinking about my bills and I'd also spend tons of time obsessing over my payback schedule.  In short, I was fearful and resentful of my bills. 

Today I got my new electric bill.  It's at its highest at this time of year when I'm trying to heat a drafty apartment.  And I run cold.  So it's high.  In the past I would have definitely stressed about the amount while being angry about having to pay it.  But today, I felt gratitude that I have the money to pay it.  I'm grateful I have a roof over my head and I'm grateful I am warm inside. 

I realize I am living a blessed life. Things aren't perfect, but I choose to be grateful for everything I have.