Cold Springs / Camp Sherman

Cold Springs / Camp Sherman
Winter Soltice 2013

Monday, June 22, 2015

Oh Daddy

Daddy Issues.

I wonder if I will ever recover or get over my daddy issues.

I thought I had nearly two decades ago after I turned 30.  It was not long after my 30th birthday that I realized my father was a person unto himself and that he had no further obligation to me to mend or fix things from my childhood.  At that time, it came as quite a punch to the gut and also as a valuable lesson and chance for me to let go, once and for all.

Then why am I back here again?

Reliving angst and anger and resentments?

I do not understand.

I will never hear from him what I want and need to hear.  He will never choose me or save me from his second wife who brutally abused me physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  He made a decision when I was a child to choose her over my safety and well being.  I am savagely angry at him.  How dare he!  Yet, she has passed away and he is in a different reality, in a nursing home with Alzheimers.

I have forgiven over and over, as I have learned over the years that forgiveness is not a one time act.  And that forgiveness is not for the other person it is for me.  Done and done.

I wish my father well.  

Now what?

How do I heal this empty, deep wound inside that longs for my father's love, my father's safety, my father's protection, my father's affection, my father's attention, my father's defense, my father's choosing, My Father????

I have sought, what seems like endlessly (see post), through my "relationships", to heal this to no avail.  What gives?  

It falls back to me.  To heal myself.  To nurture myself.  To give myself the love, affection, safety, protection, attention, defense and choosing.  Good Golly Wow.

What a concept.

Where to start?

With a first step.

Stop the endless seeking outside myself to be healed.  No one outside of myself can heal me.  No one outside of myself can fix the wound inside me.  No person, place, thing, food, drug, tv show, pet, job, etc. can fill the space that was left empty as a child.  Only I can fill it.

I can view this as empowerment.  I have the power to fill that empty space.  Or to at least, soothe myself with the knowing that I am okay with the emptiness.  That the emptiness is not to be feared and does not need to be filled.  Maybe, just maybe, the emptiness can be.  Just be.  Maybe the emptiness is an essential part of me.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Drowning

What is going on
Feelings of relief
Feelings of loss
I am you
you are me
We are one
How can 
that be
How can I 
be me
And be thee
While we
I swim 
in your ocean
My shore 
no where in sight
I want to float 
inside you
Feeling you
Your pain
Your love
Filling me
I am your vessel
Made for you
Before the stars 
were born
My eyes 
And I take 
on more
Because that is 
what I do
More and more
I need more
Of you

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Sweetest Thing

The First Time...

I was a child.  Fourteen years old.  I didn't know what I was doing.  Though I thought I did.  I had grown up fast in a lot of ways.  I had been given responsibilities beyond my age range and without an understanding of what they meant.  And with those responsibilities I had been given entitlements and privileges.  For better or worse, I believed I was ready to have an adult relationship with a man.

Let me backtrack a bit...

From a very early age, five years old, I dreamt of being in love.  I longed for "The One" and to live happily ever after with my "One True Love".  For many reasons, that has been a life long desire of mine.  Pretty much my only desire.  And the most elusive.

Back to the summer of 1980

I had a woman's body at 14 years old.  I had a child's heart and an adolescent mindset.  I did not understand the first thing about love, relationships or how men and women interacted.  I did not have positive role models in my life.  The best information I had came from romance novels, love songs, television shows, movies, Cosmo and my own families' brokenness. 

I discovered that summer that my body was being admired by men.  At the time, I thought this meant that they wanted to love me.  In my naivete I believed desire equaled love.  I developed a crush, an infatuation, on a man 7 years my senior.  I don't know what it was about him, perhaps it was the attention he gave me, but I hung around him, and in hindsight I realize I was blatantly flaunting my wares at him.  I might as well have hung a sign on myself that said "take me".  He, being a young, red-blooded, male, read the signs I was clearly emitting and eventually took me up on the offer.

 The day of The Event began like any other day of my life.  I woke up, ate breakfast, took a shower and got dressed.  I walked to this young man's apartment and prepared myself to be "changed forever".  I won't go into the details, but pretty soon after coitus started I realized I didn't want to continue.  The pain was excruciating.  He was not having it.  I was reluctant to resist as I desperately wanted his affection and wanted him to love me, so I conceded to his wishes (a habit I would continue for decades to come) in hopes that he would love me.  Afterwards, with blood having soiled his sheets, he seemed much more concerned with the damage to his sheets than the damage to me.  He shooed me off his bed in a brusque manner and then got to the task of taking care of those darn sheets.  He then said casually "I guess you were a virgin".  He pretty much pushed me out the door to be left to my own defenses and ignored me thereafter.

For a week I was completely disconnected.  I disassociated from my body and was in a state of shock.  I froze emotionally in that moment in time.  It was horrible, on many levels,  the damage to my body, soul, psyche.  I felt unwanted, shamed, rejected, dirty, ugly, disgusting, foul, and mostly - completely and totally - unlovable.  I was good enough to f*ck but not good enough to love.

Not to be a drama queen, but this experience had a traumatic effect on me and my life.  Because, even until last year at 48 years old, I was still able to be swayed by a man who said he loved me but only wanted to have sex with me.  Inside I was still that 14 year old girl trapped inside of an adult woman's body.  I "should" have known better.  I felt shame for my naivete at my age.  Yet, clarity had still not come to me.  I was repeating that cyclical pattern. 

I grew up in an era of "Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll", where Women's Lib was a movement and perhaps misunderstood, at least by me.  I learned how to have sex, but I never learned how to have a relationship with a man.  I have not had any long term relationships but I have prided myself on my self-sufficiency and independence and the ability to "not need a man" to take care of me.  And while those are admirable qualities, that I can procure an income and maintain a home, it says little of my ability to communicate and interact with the opposite sex.  That's where I feel I have let myself down.

Not to throw myself a pity party....

In the years I was not having relationships, I was working hard, gaining an education, raising a wonderful, loving and intelligent child, and developing strong friendships with my female forces.  Now I'm taking the time to get to know me on a deeper level.  It's a strange and odd thing for me to experience.  I don't find it unpleasant.  Just odd.  And strange... :)

And where do I go from here???

I feel adrift at sea most days.  In this maze of the dynamic between men and women.  What the hell is going on?  Why does it seem so difficult to me?  I don't want much, I don't require much, and yet it (a loving relationship)  has been the most elusive quest of my entire life.

I wonder if I just quit?  A part of me certainly wants to.  I feel weary and tired and DONE as in D.O.N.E.  Just done with it all.  The games, the pain, the runaround, the patterns, the unknown, what feels like a mind f*ck to me.  I mean, not to say I haven't spent a good time of my adult life alone, because I have.  I have spent many years alone when I was raising my daughter.  Perhaps those years of solitude do not count.

So I go back to the drawing board and begin yet again.

Lucky for me solitude is not a scary prospect.  I don't mind it.  I kind of dig it.

Frankly, in a few more years any interest in men is going to be gone anyway.

At least I have that to look forward to.

Always an upside.

All that aside...Love remains my Soul's Purpose.  To Be Love.  Not to be IN Love.  Just to BE Love.  To spread Love, which I consider the Cosmic, Magical Fairy Dust of Life.

That I can do...

And the Sweetest Thing....
 picture : Maya Angelou

Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Fire Horse

The Fire Horse



She stomps
She paces
She pushes
She pulls
She screams
She kicks
She rears
She fights...

the phantoms

no one to hear...

the breath
her lungs


the spirit
being stolen

Exerpt from Article:

"However, 1966 was the year of the fire horse: an inauspicious year. Women who’d been born in the previous fire-horse year, 1906, apparently found it difficult to marry, as they were considered too headstrong and independent — even dangerous. Certainly, they were thought to be bad luck for men."

What the hayhobalina?   This totally gets my Irish up!  I mean, c'mon!  Too headstrong and independent.  Well...I s'pose if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....hmmmm.

Since when is THAT bad luck?  Or dangerous?  Phooey!


There is a ferocity building up inside me just waiting to pounce.  Wanting to fight.  Wanting to attack.  Preparing for annihilation.  Where is this energy coming from.  Who is this intended for?  How do I release this fire without destruction?  

I feel fierce.  I feel mean.  I feel combative.  I feel like I could move a mountain if I had to.

My energy is a force of nature.

I could walk for hours, parting crowds on the sidewalk like Moses parted the Red Sea.  I've done it before.  The look on my face keeps people far from me.  My mother only referred to it as "The Look".  I'm not even sure what it looks like I only know what it feels like.  

I feel it now.

I'm not a warrior by nature.  I am a peaceful, gentle person.  I don't like conflict.  I'm a lover, not a fighter.  But DAMN, when this kind of energy flows over, around me and through me, the Fire of Mars enflames me and I am turned into a Berserker.  (as if on cue, a hot wind blows through my window)

Berserkers (or berserks) were Norse warriors who are primarily reported in the Old Norse literature to have fought in a nearly uncontrollable, trance-like fury, a characteristic which later gave rise to the English word berserk.

In the past when this has happened, I've resorted to self destructive behaviors that NEVER served me well.  I have no regrets as my life is a life lived fully.  However, I also have no desire to repeat some of those old patterns.  Me noggin' is a wee bit tired of the hard knocks I've put it through.

How do I corral this energy into something productive?  I spent the better part of this day, 8 hours or so, being hyper focused on creative, productive, constructive activities.  I then journaled, and expelled some physical energy.  And still it persists, much like a jack russell terrier....


I could surmise some guesses.  I know that Mercury is coming out of retrograde in a couple of days....

I once went out with a guy who said he couldn't date me due to some astrological configuration.  I rolled my eyes.  As an astrologer I was not impressed with his disclosure.  I felt it was a wimpy way out.  In fact, I was quite infuriated by his "excuse".  To use astrology, which to me I hold very dear and sacred, as a reason not to date me??  It was sacrilegious in my opinion.  What an asshat.  If I wasn't interested in someone I would straight up say so.  Good Gravy.  I digress....

So, perhaps now that Mercury is getting ready to go direct, I am getting ready to go DIRECT as well. That makes me giggle inside a little.  My Mercury is in Aries, after all.  I can already be Direct.  No one really needs me to be more Direct.  

Anyway, I am sensitive to Cosmic and Collective Energy.  The Rose Festival is in town and there are many people in the downtown area where I live and many men in uniform roaming the streets.  The temperature is up and the sun is out.  Could be some upcoming solar flare, coronal mass ejection, earth weather or some such.  I tend to feel it before it happens.  Much like animals in the wild.  How special.  If only I knew why it is I am feeling on FIRE...

 "It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply."  

                                 David Jones    

  Trying to remember to BREATHE....and that my Soul Purpose is LOVE.  Sheesh.  I need a vacation.