Is it all it's cracked up to be? I've had this internal drive inside of me since I was a teenager to DO, DO, DO. To STRIVE, STRIVE, STRIVE to better myself and GO SOMEWHERE with my life. Recently took a big step in my life and let go of all that and am now unemployed and loafing. It's taking some getting used to. Believe it or not.
Phase 1:
Weeks 1-3 after last day of work-a sense of disbelief that it was real. The continued feeling that I must be in a hurry all the time. That frantic and frenetic ick.
Phase 2:
Weeks 4-6-comatose and a slight depression. Not really knowing what to do with myself now that I had no structure.
Phase 3:
Weeks 7-12-PRODUCTIVE! Decisions made! Action steps taken! Feeling good! Nothing too urgent, but I had daily chores and I was busy. I think work IS good for me. Not necessarily employment though. (excuse my grammar please)
Phase 4:
Current-eh. I am floating on water and being carried by waves to wherever. Not sure I am okay with that. I am a control freak after all. That whole "let go and let ?" doesn't really appeal to me. I prefer to depend on me. Yet, I don't feel that internal drive, er, driving me to DO anything about it.