This image came to me one day when I was looking (ok, staring) at a tree in downtown Portland. I made a rough sketch (very rough) and came home to re-create it on Microsoft's Paint software program.
I don't claim to have any artistic capabilities, other than a very creative imagination that lends itself to the written word and what Mr. Willard could pull from me in junior high art class. (I mean I would have done anything for him. It's amazing what a girl with a crush can do.)
So far this is my third attempt to get this image from my mind's eye into a physical representation. However, I do suspect there will be more interpretations before I am satisfied. For now, this is the basic foundation of what it will look like.
Welcome to CORR LOVE!
P.S. Yes, this is a Logo. For my blog, website, and upcoming online business. More to come. I've been working on this for over 3 years and it's about time I go public. :)