Cold Springs / Camp Sherman

Cold Springs / Camp Sherman
Winter Soltice 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year New Schmear

Whatever goals I thought I was going to start my new year with have quickly flown the coop.  Those ways are for the good old days.  I am now taking a more balanced and grounded approach.  Realistic even...

How did I think I could take on so many new changes all at once?  I ended up failing at every one of them before the day ended. 

Why are we, why am I, so hard on myself (ourselves).  It's something I see all around me via friends, social media and culturely, even when I changed my yearly goal to one word I had a secret list of life changes I was applying to myself.  Pure folly.

So in this moment I give up my notions of perfection and ease into comfort&joy and work towards that goal and away from tasks that are not in alignment with that ultimate goal.

Feel good. 😍