When is enough enough?
My mother gave me my first self-help book when I was 12 years old. I instantly fell in love. I have been teased and ridiculed over the years for my love of self-help. I admit, I am a bit of a junkie. I love the idea of learning, growth and expansion.
But, when am I enough?
I come to this space, nearing my 49th birthday and I wonder about self help.
I mean, how much more improvement do I need to finally accept myself? To finally feel complete and healed?
Can I accept myself, right now, as I am as perfect and whole?
It's a dichotomous circular argument that plays and replays within me these days.
Can these two concepts be simultaneously true and relevant? And if so, how do I merge them into a singular idea that I can live within?
Sitting with these thoughts and feelings, I came to this...
Instead of striving for self improvement, I reframe or rephrase or refocus on self-discovery.
In that framework, I can discover who I am and then fully embrace myself there. That alleviates the concept that I need to improve. As long as I think I need to improve, I am implying a state of unworthiness and that is NOT healthy. For me.
So I can discover myself, or uncover myself, and then fully accept what I find. Love who I am for all that I am, foibles, flaws and flexibilities. I don't need to fix anything I find. I only need to love who I am.
When I do that, I no longer feel this incessant and insidious need to fix something, prove something or defend something that I am.
I just am.
I Am Enough!
Picture Found at Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Facebook Page
I share two blog posts that I found:
Self Love: I am Enough. And also, You are Enough.
I Fill Myself Up First: A Declaration